OBJECTIVE: To have fun exploring the power of the web and to learn how to participate in developing a local to global economic network.
ABOUT THE WEB SPACE SEMINAR: Small business owners are the local investors, product, service and job providers, and manufacturers in their neighborhood’s local economy. And while, collectively they are the engines of economic growth for their neighborhoods; most entrepreneurs are sole owners with a nominal staff. Many small business owners manage their day to day operations by themselves with long, unforgiving hours of wear and tear. They are held together by lots of single minded determination. As such small business owners don't have time to research and develop strategic marketing, public relations and advertising campaigns. Eworkstyle is setting new standards in small business support, by teaching in depth procedures in public relations and communications for the digital age.
WEB SPACE TOOLS & RESOURCES: We are providing self-paced briefings in mixed-media venues on demand using: web magazine, newsletter, social media, journal, radio and TV shows. Our goal is to help you use best practice techniques, templates & methods to launch multifold high profile print, radio, TV, outdoor and internet media campaigns. That means reaching out to local, regional, national and international new markets of tourists, students, visitors and business people who want cultural and ethnic experiences to enhance their travels, vacations and education. Each seminar provides free access to Eworkstyle Institute classroom & presentation downloads.
1. Come with a positive, open mind and have fun learning;
2. Consider what technology is needed to proceed;
3. Download free software & templates - OPEN_OFFICE;
4. Develop systems o to keep track of information & solutions;
5. Spend time in a reflective process for each seminar;
6. Actively try to complete using solutions offered;
7. Read through & follow session activities, objectives;
8. Complete session activities to be ready for next classes;
9. Try presenter's suggestions, tools & resources;
10. Use suggested templates to create real world applications;
11. Check out our professional library links & networks;
12. Connect globally through our world wide news feeds;
13. Work on a real world solution for your session activity;
14. Give feedback by participating in EI Blog - coming soon;
15. Use the templates to create your own working models.
COURSE FORMAT: Suggested - 2 hour sessions divided into three 40 minute segments with breaks: 1. Reading & Preparation, 2. Lecture Demonstration & 3. Web Network.
SUGGESTED TOOLS: Computer, internet, pens, ruler, fine & bold markers, tabbed binder to work through assignments.
RESOURCES: suggested reading, web presentations, also are free applications to create post course assignments